Help me! -- Mailing Lists -- Research items -- Great Link
* HELP ME! I Have Questions! * Nautical Research Guild- Ship Model History - The Nautical Research Guild has been linking researchers, collectors, and builders of the highest quality ship models for fifty years. Members share a common dedication to learning about ships and maritime history through academic research, as applied and expressed in the process of ship model building. FAQ's for ship modeling - Large selection of Frequently Asked Question from rec.models.scale. Red's R/C Battery Clinic - Everything you ever wanted to know about R/C batteries. Your R/C system battery questions answered promptly; Site Maintained by C. L. "Red" Scholefield. The Maritime History Virtual Archives - An interesting Research web page from Sweden; This site is not always available but when you can get into it, it has a LOT of great information.
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Shipmodeling and Nautical Research E-Mail List Seaway list
* Other helpful Research pages * The Marina - Used R/C Boats The Marina is for the posting of "For Sale" or "Wanted to Buy" items related to Radio Control Boats! Xenon Labs: The Universal Currency Converter - I want to convert... this amount of this type of currency into this type of currency. This helps a lot when you are buying things from overseas! (Interactive Currency Table, Post Card Gallery,) ( Espa�ol/Spanish | Svenska/Swedish ). - - Weather Information Current Weather Over the US - Satellite images The Weather Channel - Maps, current conditions, ski weather, etc. * Other Great Model Boat Link Web Pages * The R/C Web Directory - Huge collection of Radio Control related Links with the following categories. listings! Airplane-Oriented, Sailplane , Helicopters, Aircraft Clubs, Car/Truck, Boat Web Sites, R/C Magazines Links, R/C Manufacturers and Suppliers, Usenet R/C Newsgroups, and a lot more. The Complete RC Web Directory Index - This is the LARGEST and most comprehensive index of radio control models in the world . Includes subjects of [RC Information] [FAQ's] [Rockets] [Blimps] [Aircraft] [Boats] [Cars] [Clubs] [Companies] [Home Pages] Help me! -- Mailing Lists -- Research items -- Great Link
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