Try this one!.
Many a 'want-a-be' R/C modelers started this way only to become overwhelmed by the multitude of the project. Frustration has crushed the desire out of many a new R/C (radio control) modelers. Start off with something easy for your first project! Have fun building it, get it into the water within a reasonable time and enjoy the hobby. There are many "Beginner" kits on the market. Beginner kits of Tub Boats, Ocean Liners, Yachts, Police boats, ETC. Because I am into military ships, this PT109 Lindberg kit is what I recommend to 'want-a-be' R/C modelers. About the Kit This is a 1/32 plastic model made by LINDBERG. It is 30" long, 8" wide and is about 9" high. The basic kit sales for around $60.00 to $80.00 depending on where you get it and is a very complete kit (except for the R/C power system and electronics you will need). It comes with it's own functional rudders and props. This kit is very detailed for a kit of this price range. The kit even comes with 6 crew members that can be painted to look very realistic. Because it is plastic (instead of wood), it is nice and light which is always a good thing when you are trying to get high speeds out of a R/C boat. Let me tell you, if build correctly, this PT Boat gets up and flies! What does not come in this kit is the (2) motors, (2) motor mounts, universals, speed control, servo rods, wire harness, switches, fuses. Well, good news. Lindberg has a "Power Drive Kit" with all the for mentioned items already put together for you. It is Lindberg Part number #78000. I have seen this power drive kit on sale for as low as $80.00 but it normally retails for about $120.00. Even after all of this investment, you will still need to buy a 2 channel radio
($70.00) and a pair of 7.2 batteries (about $20.00 each). If your local hobby store does not have this kit, or they are trying to jab you for full retail prices, check out my web page (R/C Boating) for links to mail order places that will be glad to do WEB BUSINESS with you. So hey...... for less than $300.00, you are ready!
The building of the kit. This is a fairly easy kit to build if you have experience in 'plastic model building.'
If you have never built a model kit before, don't be scared off. Just take your time and
read the instructions carefully. The instructions are very well written. With some common
sense and patience, you will be fine. (Note Added 09/01/97) - After writing this article last year, Lindberg went and discontinued this wonderful model. I am afraid it is becoming hard to find. So forget everything I wrote above. Sorry. It Happens! (Note Added 04/26/99 - GOOD NEWS! Update on the Lindberg PT109 Kit. Limited Edition of this kit to be released and shipped to stores April 29, 1999! 5,000 kits to be made! The expected price for this kit is going to be somewhere between $70 and $85 depending on who you get it from.